Our structure
100% Volunteers
PLAYING is divided into 4 functional areas divided in turn into different working teams





We believe that to transform the world we have to transform ourselves first.
We are working on it!
Here are the faces of the members leading this transformation process at PLAYING.
Welcome to the family.
Currently we are more than 60 volunteers. Here you will find those who have been with us for more than a year.

Administration Area

All this structure with so many tasks and activities would not be possible without a strong administration team to carry out the accounting and legal day by day and the volunteers in PLAYING. Not all of us are experts in laws, people management or accounts maintenance, but thanks to them there is calm in the charity.
Eduardo Romero
Area Coordination

Javier Navamuel
Finances Captaincy

Sara Rabanal
People Captaincy

Cooperation Area

This area is responsible for a wonderful part of the charity: the project in Gambia. They are responsible of managing the construction, the education system, the funding and all the actions and connections that are very important to have a global project with educational quality in Gambia. Join the team!

Javier Vera
Construction Captaincy

Adrián Feijoó
since 2019

Álvaro de Diego
since 2019

Jorge Pamies
since 2018

Ramiro Pérez
since 2018

Adrián López
since 2018

Ismael Hervás
since 2017
Belén Poza
since 2014
Álvaro Martín
since 2013

Communication Area

If you are reading this right now, is thanks to them. The volunteers at the communication area are responsible for documenting every action done at PLAYING. They work crosswise with every area.
They are the public face of the charity that has to look close and
transparent every day.

Diego Villanueva
Audiovisual Captaincy

Sports Area

The sports area is in charge of producing the events. They contact with the sport facilities and sport clubs, manage the dates of the events, coordinate the communication, make the purchases and budgets and they organize the day of the event so that everything turns out great, the maximum funds are raised and the players enjoy a solidary tournament with a different charity.
Álvaro Martín
Area Coordination

Blanca García
since 2019

Teresa Gaspar
since 2018

Raquel Escudero
since 2017

Chema González
since 2019

Juan Martín
since 2019

Tirso Pérez
since 2019
Gian Luca L'Episcopo
since 2018

Andrés Ferrer
since 2019

Javier Roger
since 2017

Beatriz Trejo
since 2019

María Mateos
since 2017

Clara Suso
since 2019
David Valdivieso
since 2019
Javier de Torres
since 2019

Susana Prieto
since 2019

Anabel Pasquín
since 2019

Carmen Peña
Health Captaincy
PLAYING is legally registered as a non-profit association in the National Register of Associations therefore the governance body is made up of an assembly of partners and a directive board as the spanish law dictates.
The people that hold the postions are 100% volunteers and thus, they do not receive any type of economic compensation.

Javier Roldán
since 2012
Directive Board

Irene Apesteguía
since 2016
since 2019

Diego Villanueva
since 2016
since 2019

Jaime Gómez
since 2013
Directive Board

Raquel Escudero
since 2017
since 2020

Álvaro Martín
since 2013
since 2020

Eduardo Romero
since 2013
Directive Board

Belén Poza
since 2014
since 2020

Sara Rabanal
since 2016
since 2020