PLAYING invests the 100% of the benefits
in the creation of eduactional projects where
they are most needed.
We know how important is the proper use of your collaboration for you. It is also important for us. For that, we work
hard to achieve the highest financial transparency standards.
Sports events: the participants pay an inscription fee. After deducting the expenses of the tournament's organization (sport equipment, provisioning, prizes, etc.) we obtain the benefit that we fully invest in the educational projects.
Arts and crafts sales: products made in Gambia distributed in the sports events and PLAYING events in Spain. After deducting the production costs, the remaining benefits are fully invested in the educational projects.
Individual donations: the 100% of the individual donations (punctual, periodic, cash, via bank, etc.) are fully invested in educational projects.
Bar service: offered in the sports events. After deducting the cost of the products sold, we obtain the benefits that are fully invested in the educational projects.
Companies collaboration: the 50% is allocated to the fixed costs of the organization to develop the activity (computer equipment, sound system, webpage, storage, stationery, etc.). The remaining 50% is allocated to the educational projects.